The Many Important Roles of Your Personal Brand [Infographic]

Your personal brand is probably the most important and powerful member of your team.  It can jump-start your career or take your existing career to new heights! But, ignoring your personal brand and not giving it the time it is worth can potential harm your career, or at the very least leave it a bit stagnant. By focusing on it and having a clear personal branding strategy your it will always have your back.

We are each our own brand, whether we intend to be or not, and because of that we are each our own “company”. This even more true for freelancers and those who own their own business. However,  it is also very true for those who are just starting out in their career or those looking to grow their career. Having a strong, clear brand message can help open doors for amazing future opportunities.

The Job Description for Your Personal Brand

The infographic below breaks down the many jobs and responsibilities  that your personal brand has and how each job impacts your career (aka the company of YOU!) Check out the six key jobs that your personal brand has:

  • CEO
  • Publicist
  • Assistant
  • Intern
  • Sales
  • Social Media Manager

What positions would you add to the list?

jobs of a personal brand infographic

Check out more tips and Tricks for Developing your Personal Branding Strategy:


Personal Brand Strategy Guide