Your online reputation can make or break your personal brand strategy. In order to maintain your online reputation, regularly scheduled monitoring is necessary to keep track of what information about you is out there on the internet. While you can control what is on your personal online profiles (Facebook, LinkedIn, etc), you can't always control … Continue reading Protecting Your Online Reputation
Growing Offline Business Using Online Tools
Social media has several purposes: Creating Conversations Building Brand Awareness Build a Community Educate Reach New Audiences Understand Your Current Audience Create a More Personal Brand Interact Directly with Customers Display Credibility Promote Your Company The list could go on and on, on why social media is beneficial to your brand. With any marketing attempt, … Continue reading Growing Offline Business Using Online Tools
Digital Tools to Boost Your Brand
Check out the infographic below shared by PR Daily on what the top digital tools are, why they are the best, and who is already successfully leveraging them
7 Tips on Becoming Wildly Successful
I recently read a great blog post by Maren Kate on how to build a successful company or personal brand strategy. While this article was written in 2009, all the tips she shares are as relevant now as they were then. Be Your Own Groupie. Know what your business core, strengths, and niche are, and … Continue reading 7 Tips on Becoming Wildly Successful
The Evolving Role of Keyword Research
Keywords are the basis of a successful SEO campaign. But, how do you decide what keywords to use? One of the first things to remember when beginning search engine optimization is that you need to be realistic. There is a lot of competition to obtain the top ranking spots, especially for the very generic words. … Continue reading The Evolving Role of Keyword Research
Should My Brand be on Pinterest?
Atomicdust, an agency in St. Louis, posted a great blog on how to determine if your company should be using Pinterest. As of now, Pinterest is driving more referral traffic than Google+, YouTube, and LinkedIn combined (10 million monthly visitors and growing). I really enjoyed this post because it asks three straight-to-the-point questions about Pinterest … Continue reading Should My Brand be on Pinterest?
Navigating the New Company Facebook Timeline Pages
The internet has been buzzing this week about company (fan) pages on Facebook switching to the timeline format. So, you have built your company's social media strategy based on how people find and share information using the old page format, but do you really need to change how you use Facebook just because the page … Continue reading Navigating the New Company Facebook Timeline Pages
Social Media Marketing Trends
Social media is constantly evolving and changing, including: How individuals use the different platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, etc) How companies communicate with customers How to measure success and ROI How much to invest into a social media strategy and implementation (what is the value of social media?) The Social Media Examiner published a great article … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Trends
Who Likes What: Social Media By Demographic
Via - Being Your Brand Do you ever wonder what social networking sites you should be focusing your marketing efforts on? This handy infographic breaks down the top social networking sites by gender, age, income, and education demographics. Via
How To Drive Traffic Between Social Media Platforms
A social media strategy involves the collaboration of multiple platforms, using the best features of each platform is necessary to create a successful strategy. While Twitter should often be used as an "announcements" platform, Facebook can be used to build conversations through sharing more detailed and insight based content. Example: You find an interesting article … Continue reading How To Drive Traffic Between Social Media Platforms