How to Create a Successful Email Marketing Campaign

With a massive amount of emails delivered to our inboxes everyday, it can seem like a daunting task to get your email blast to stand out from all the rest. In addition, there are many factors to consider when developing an email marketing campaign, including:

  • email marketingWhat platform will your end users view the email in? (Apple Mail, Gmail, Outlook, or on their Mobile Device)
  • What day of the week should you send your emails to get the highest click through rate?
  • What is the desired action you want recipients to take upon reading the email? (Also known as your conversion)
  • Are you sending the “right” message to the “right” people? (Not all customers are alike, so not every email campaign should target every customer.)

However, when done correctly, email marketing is a powerful tool for reaching your audience. Email campaigns are targeted, allowing you to reach a section of your customer base with a focused message. Based on research from HubSpot, targeted and segmented emails have a higher CTR than mass email communications. For example, these emails can focus on an action that the recipient has already taken, creating a more personal connection.

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Marketing Explained Using the Laws and Principles of Physics

Dan Cobley, a marketing director at Google, gave a presentation at the TED Global 2010 conference titled “What Physics Taught Me About Marketing”. When I first saw the title of this presentation I was hooked, I had to know how can marketing and branding principles be explained using physics. Well, Dan Cobley explains just that using Newton’s second law, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, the scientific method and the second law of thermodynamics. Continue reading

Mad Men vs. The Modern Marketer

Matt Wesson, a very talented Marketing Content Specialists at Pardot (and someone I am honored to call my friend), recently created a very fun and creative infographic that analyzes the evolution of the marketing and advertising profession, from Mad Man to Now.

In the infographic, Matt breaks down each aspect of both the 50’s/60’s marketer and the modern marketer; from the clothes they wear to the tools they use to reach consumers. Check out more about the evolution of “the art of influence” below! Continue reading

6 Ways to Inspire Employee Productity

Check out this article for 6 great tips on how to encourage employee productivity, including my favorite tip “lead by example”. This article is does a great job explaining how to use these techniques and why they are important.

What Marketers Need to Know About HTML5

As marketers, it is important that we are knowledgeable about changes that could affect how customers and search engines interact with our clients’ websites. Whether you work at an agency, follow some of the popular marketing blogs, are tech geek, or are all of the above like me, you know that web development has being going through a change lately, known as HTML5.
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Optimizing the Timeline Format for Page Engagement

Since the Facebook pages have changed to the timeline format, companies have seen, on average, an increase in post engagement (i.e. likes, clicks, shares, and comments). The increase is due mostly to an increase in user engagement on video and image posts, while engagement has decreased for text posts (not include and image, video, etc).

Mashable Facebook Timeline Eyetrack StudyIn response to the page format change, Mashable completed an eyetrack study to determine how consumer experience has changed. Consumers used to be focus the majority of their attention on the page’s news feed, both text and image posts. When viewing pages in timeline format, consumer attention is focused almost entirely on the visual elements, such as the cover photo, profile image, app thumbnails, and images. Content posts are usually the last items that consumers view. Continue reading

6 Tips for Effective Email Marketing

Today’s consumers are being hit with sales messages from all directions; while watching TV, reading magazines (paper or tablet version), browsing the web, checking out what their friends are up to on Facebook, checking their email, and more. However, even with all the different ways consumers are being targeted they still have the power to ignore, or in the case of email marketing delete, sales messages targeted at them.

When it comes to email marketing, there is a very short time frame in which to draw the recipient in and convert them into a customer. Pardot, a leader in marketing automation, created a great infographic to help companies understand the six essential components of effective email marketing. The infographic below does a stellar job breaking down the six components into easy to understand and apply tools. Also, check out a quick recap below for tips and takeaways.

The 6 Essentials of an Effective Email [Snapshot] - Pardot Infographic

Embedded from the Pardot Blog

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The Brand Spiral of Death

The term branding is thrown around a lot in relation to every facet of marketing and advertising, and as such its’ true meaning has become lost in the shuffle. A company brand is not its’ logo, slogan, or website, these are a product of a brand just like the services or products that a company sells. A brand is the external, and internal, perception of a company and/or products/services it sells. In comparison, branding is a process of defining how a company wants to be perceived by their customers and internal team, as well as how they will go about achieving this goal.

I recently read a very interesting article by Jesse McGowan at Atomicdust titled The Brand Spiral of Death (and other thoughts on branding). Continue reading