A social media strategy involves the collaboration of multiple platforms, using the best features of each platform is necessary to create a successful strategy. While Twitter should often be used as an "announcements" platform, Facebook can be used to build conversations through sharing more detailed and insight based content. Example: You find an interesting article … Continue reading How To Drive Traffic Between Social Media Platforms
Category: Social Media
Creating Brand Opportunity Out Of Negativity
One of the basic rules of business is “Make the customer happy.” Companies know that a negative comment from one customer can quickly turn into ten. The basic rules of business have not changed, but the power of the customers voice has grown exponentially. One negative comment can instantly turn into hundreds of shares and … Continue reading Creating Brand Opportunity Out Of Negativity
Social Media Week 2012 – A Global Platform | Blog au Roux | Mudbug Media, Inc.
Via Scoop.it - Being Your Brand Check out the blog I wrote for Mudbug Media on the Social Media Week 2012! Here is a snippit from the blog: Last week was Social Media Week 2012, a weeklong global initiative that focuses on the impact of social media on culture, politics, economics, and social change. This … Continue reading Social Media Week 2012 – A Global Platform | Blog au Roux | Mudbug Media, Inc.
What Do You Do When Your Social Media Strategy is a Success
So, you have created and implemented a great social media strategy for your company. It is creating conversations and growing your brand. But...what do you do next? What to Do When Your Social Media Strategy Is Successful [VIDEO]
Social Media and Your Career
Social media is probably the best tool that you can use these days when job hunting. Actually, when I was applying for my first job in the marketing and advertising industry, after college graduation, some companies requested that I include social media in my application. It was requested that I did not send them a … Continue reading Social Media and Your Career
How the 10 Most-Followed Brands are Leveraging Pinterest
Pinterest is definitely catching the interest of big and influential companies, mostly fashion and media based companies. Including, one of may favorite websites, Mashable! Magazine companies have seen the advantages of the new image based social media, including Real Simple and Better Homes & Gardens. Both of these magazines benefit from Pinterest because decorating tips … Continue reading How the 10 Most-Followed Brands are Leveraging Pinterest
How to Harness the Power of Hashtags
Twitter is a unique platform, in which you are only able to have a conversation with the world using 140 characters. So how do you make your tweets stand out from the rest, and be found by engaged followers? One word…#HASHTAGS. Hashtags are one of the most powerful tools you can use to increase the visibility of your tweets. Twitter is a real time feed that changes … Continue reading How to Harness the Power of Hashtags
Social Media Week 2012 – Miami
Today, social media week Miami hit it out of the park with some amazing speakers. I was able to catch two great discussions that were broadcasted live on LiveStream. Oops! Social Media Mistakes and Learnings The first discussion was "Oops! Social Media Mistakes and Learnings" which focused a lot on social media policies in relation to employee management. The discussion focused around a key point that I … Continue reading Social Media Week 2012 – Miami
Pinterest, the Newest Game Changer
Pinterest is truly the newest game changer. Since they launched (10 months ago) more than 13 MILLION users have registered. So why is Pinterest a game changer? Here, are a few reasons why they are not a forced to be messed with: In the U.S., the majority of users are female, but in the U.K., … Continue reading Pinterest, the Newest Game Changer
Social Media Marketing By the Numbers
Via Scoop.it - Being Your Brand You can not argue with the cold hard numbers on the power of social media marketing (well you could, but it would be a losing battle). This infographic from Mashable shows the power of social media marketing in regards to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and location based services (such as FourSquare) strictly through numbers. So what can … Continue reading Social Media Marketing By the Numbers