We all love to eat. While we may not agree on which is better, spaghetti or tacos, we can agree that food is generally a very popular topic and may be one of the most popular topics on social media What do I want to eat? I will just Tweet out the choices and … Continue reading Top 10 Restaurant Chains on Social Media
Tag: FourSquare
How Marketers Will Use Social Media In The Future
Each year the Social Media Examiner publishes the 'Social Media Industry Report'. The report is based on interviews with over 3,800 marketers. This year, one of the big questions that they focused on was: "How will marketers change their future social media activities?" Overall, marketers plan on increasing their use of social media in the … Continue reading How Marketers Will Use Social Media In The Future
The Future of Blogging
What should your focus be for your online marketing strategy? The infographic below breaks down what online medias companies will be using in 2012. Takeaways 2012 Start or increase blogging - 43% of companies will have active blogs in 2012, up from 39% in 2011 Create an email newsletter - 77% of companies will use … Continue reading The Future of Blogging
Why Your Klout Score is Important
So what is a Klout score and why should you care? Klout.com is becoming one of the most popular sites for understanding and growing your online network successfully. Klout was created to measure and understand, as well as leverage your brand's influence online. A recent article on Forbes.com by Dorie Clark breaks down why your … Continue reading Why Your Klout Score is Important
Social Media Marketing By the Numbers
Via Scoop.it - Being Your Brand You can not argue with the cold hard numbers on the power of social media marketing (well you could, but it would be a losing battle). This infographic from Mashable shows the power of social media marketing in regards to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and location based services (such as FourSquare) strictly through numbers. So what can … Continue reading Social Media Marketing By the Numbers