Pinterest has become a great sales tool for companies already using, and those beginning to use, social media to connect with their customers. It has also grown into one of the most popular social media platforms. But, can it really compete with the "Big Kahuna" of social media, Facebook? Does Pinterest drive valuable site traffic? … Continue reading What’s Their Worth? Facebook Vs. Pinterest Visitors
Tag: Pinterest
How Social Media Has Changed the Sports Industry
Are you a social media and sports addict? Or just interested in the ways different industries use social media? Well, check out this great article on the role of social media in the sports industry. Using real-life examples, the article breaks down how social media techniques have been used to build player notoriety, create a … Continue reading How Social Media Has Changed the Sports Industry
Building Brand Loyalty with an Integrated Social Media Strategy
I recently wrote an article for the Mudbug Media blog titled "Build a Following with an Integrated Social Media Strategy." In the article I used Lowe's Home Improvement store as an example of a company who got it right. The following are snippets from the article about each component of Lowe's strategy: Lowe's Facebook Strategy … Continue reading Building Brand Loyalty with an Integrated Social Media Strategy
4 Social Media Platforms to Watch in 2012
When the Pinterest phenomenon began, I was personally caught off guard. Even with all the marketing blogs I follow, I did not hear of the new popular social media platform. After reading and writing about the new addicting platform, I became curious about what else could be on the horizon. Everyday new social media platforms … Continue reading 4 Social Media Platforms to Watch in 2012
Top 5 Tech Trends from SXSWi 2012
There are a lot of blogs out there right now about SXSW Interactive 2012, but this is one of my favorites. It gets straight to the point and breaks down the 5 tech trends that were getting the most buzz: Path - Personal social journals. Not sure if I want to know more about people … Continue reading Top 5 Tech Trends from SXSWi 2012
Digital Tools to Boost Your Brand
Check out the infographic below shared by PR Daily on what the top digital tools are, why they are the best, and who is already successfully leveraging them
Should My Brand be on Pinterest?
Atomicdust, an agency in St. Louis, posted a great blog on how to determine if your company should be using Pinterest. As of now, Pinterest is driving more referral traffic than Google+, YouTube, and LinkedIn combined (10 million monthly visitors and growing). I really enjoyed this post because it asks three straight-to-the-point questions about Pinterest … Continue reading Should My Brand be on Pinterest?
Social Media Marketing Trends
Social media is constantly evolving and changing, including: How individuals use the different platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, etc) How companies communicate with customers How to measure success and ROI How much to invest into a social media strategy and implementation (what is the value of social media?) The Social Media Examiner published a great article … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Trends
Who Likes What: Social Media By Demographic
Via - Being Your Brand Do you ever wonder what social networking sites you should be focusing your marketing efforts on? This handy infographic breaks down the top social networking sites by gender, age, income, and education demographics. Via
How To Drive Traffic Between Social Media Platforms
A social media strategy involves the collaboration of multiple platforms, using the best features of each platform is necessary to create a successful strategy. While Twitter should often be used as an "announcements" platform, Facebook can be used to build conversations through sharing more detailed and insight based content. Example: You find an interesting article … Continue reading How To Drive Traffic Between Social Media Platforms