How to Choose the Most Effective Social Media Platform for Your Brand

Go where your audience is This is a basic of marketing, digital or not. For example, If you are selling custom hunting bows, you wouldn't advertise in the Vogue magazine. Instead, you will analyze the reader demographics and psychographics of each magazine to determine which magazines will allow you to best reach your target audience. … Continue reading How to Choose the Most Effective Social Media Platform for Your Brand

2013 Marketing Trends: Changing Role of Digital Marketing

With any inbound marketing strategy, customer outreach must focus on multiple channels; and, as we move further into 2013, well-developed cross-channel targeting will become even more important. However, how do we know where to focus our marketing efforts in 2013? Luckily, the great minds at StrongMail, an email marketing and cross-channel solutions company, did a … Continue reading 2013 Marketing Trends: Changing Role of Digital Marketing

Social Media Week: Continuing the Global Conversation

Twice a year, a global platform brings together people interested in better understanding and leveraging social media for their companies or clients. Social Media Week is a bi-annual world-wide event centered around the social, cultural, and economic impact of social media. This year’s second global platform was held in 13 cities from September 24th to … Continue reading Social Media Week: Continuing the Global Conversation

Global Social Media Check Up 2012

How Fortune 100 Companies Use Social Media

Each year Burson-Marsteller, a leading global public relations and communications firm, completes a social media check-up examining how Fortune 100 companies use popular social networking platforms including: Twitter, Facebook, YouTube. This year, the study also included a review of how the world's leading brands are using the newest game players, Google+ and Pinterest. The way … Continue reading How Fortune 100 Companies Use Social Media