We all love to eat. While we may not agree on which is better, spaghetti or tacos, we can agree that food is generally a very popular topic and may be one of the most popular topics on social media What do I want to eat? I will just Tweet out the choices and … Continue reading Top 10 Restaurant Chains on Social Media
Tag: infographic
Mad Men vs. The Modern Marketer
Matt Wesson, a very talented Marketing Content Specialists at Pardot (and someone I am honored to call my friend), recently created a very fun and creative infographic that analyzes the evolution of the marketing and advertising profession, from Mad Man to Now. In the infographic, Matt breaks down each aspect of both the 50's/60's marketer … Continue reading Mad Men vs. The Modern Marketer
The Future of Blogging
What should your focus be for your online marketing strategy? The infographic below breaks down what online medias companies will be using in 2012. Takeaways 2012 Start or increase blogging - 43% of companies will have active blogs in 2012, up from 39% in 2011 Create an email newsletter - 77% of companies will use … Continue reading The Future of Blogging
Who Does B2B Marketing Better: Facebook vs. LinkedIn
Facebook is the go to social media platform for advertising to consumers. Whether it is an ad in the side bar or creating customer relationships through posts on company pages, Facebook reaches the final customer. The great thing about Facebook ads, is that it allows businesses to create a custom targeted campaign to reach their … Continue reading Who Does B2B Marketing Better: Facebook vs. LinkedIn
How Colors Affect Purchases
Does color affect a customers' purchase experience? Will it increase the chances that a customer will by your product? The answer to both of these questions is YES! Color is one of the most important factors that a customer considers when making a purchase, both consciously and unconsciously. Check out the infographic below on how … Continue reading How Colors Affect Purchases
Gen Y Working Women Infographic
I came across the infographic below (posted by Mashable) on generation Y women in the workplace. Generation Y (also known as Millennials) is composed of those born between the later 1970's and the early 1990's. As it is, I happen to be part of the Y generation. Some of the facts that I was not … Continue reading Gen Y Working Women Infographic
Growing Offline Business Using Online Tools
Social media has several purposes: Creating Conversations Building Brand Awareness Build a Community Educate Reach New Audiences Understand Your Current Audience Create a More Personal Brand Interact Directly with Customers Display Credibility Promote Your Company The list could go on and on, on why social media is beneficial to your brand. With any marketing attempt, … Continue reading Growing Offline Business Using Online Tools
Who Likes What: Social Media By Demographic
Via Scoop.it - Being Your Brand Do you ever wonder what social networking sites you should be focusing your marketing efforts on? This handy infographic breaks down the top social networking sites by gender, age, income, and education demographics. Via blog.kissmetrics.com
Social Media Week 2012
Today I was able to watch two great live presentations from social media week 2012: Moves Like Jagger: Customer Service Evolved- from Social Media Week San Francisco Applying Big Data Analytics to Social Media Data - from Social Media Week New York Business and Innovation At the end of this week, I will do a … Continue reading Social Media Week 2012