With a community of over 300 million active monthly users, Instagram is one of the fastest growing social media platforms with high engagements, and yet is still a very untapped territory for most businesses. Instagram reports that on average there are 70 million photos shared and 2.5 billion likes per day. But like approaching any social media platform … Continue reading How to Use Instagram for Business
Tag: instagram
Why Women are the Real Power Behind Social Media: Infographic
Never underestimate of the power of a woman, especially when combined with social media. From the number of active users on a social network to the frequency of their interaction with other users and brands, women are a powerful force in the social media realm. Curious how much power women hold on social media? Take a … Continue reading Why Women are the Real Power Behind Social Media: Infographic
How to Rock Social Media in 30 Minutes a Day Infographic
With a defined social media strategy in place, marketers can rock social media in 30 minutes a day. Sound too good to be true? It is actually possible if your daily use of social media is built upon a well-developed social media strategy. But, a strong social media strategy does not mean that your brand … Continue reading How to Rock Social Media in 30 Minutes a Day Infographic
Biggest Moments in Social Media in 2012
From the rise of Pinterest to the ups and downs of Facebook post-IPO, 2012 was a big year for social media. The infographic below, courtesy of The SEO Company and Nowsourcing, showcases some of the top social media moments from 2012, including: The complete integration of the timeline format for Facebook profiles and pages Pinterest becomes a top referral source, … Continue reading Biggest Moments in Social Media in 2012
2013 Marketing Trends: Changing Role of Digital Marketing
With any inbound marketing strategy, customer outreach must focus on multiple channels; and, as we move further into 2013, well-developed cross-channel targeting will become even more important. However, how do we know where to focus our marketing efforts in 2013? Luckily, the great minds at StrongMail, an email marketing and cross-channel solutions company, did a … Continue reading 2013 Marketing Trends: Changing Role of Digital Marketing
Top 5 Tech Trends from SXSWi 2012
There are a lot of blogs out there right now about SXSW Interactive 2012, but this is one of my favorites. It gets straight to the point and breaks down the 5 tech trends that were getting the most buzz: Path - Personal social journals. Not sure if I want to know more about people … Continue reading Top 5 Tech Trends from SXSWi 2012