This week I was honored to present at the Social Media Club of St. Charles April event, where I spoke about social media analytics and ROI tracking. During the presentation I covered three areas of social media measurements: Social Media Metrics Social Media Measurement Tools Measuring the ROI of Your Social Media Efforts The full presentation can … Continue reading Social Media Analytics and ROI tracking
50 Mobile Marketing Facts That Will Blow You Away
Do you have a mobile website or app? Not sure if you should invest in developing a mobile site or app? Don't think you need a mobile marketing strategy? MOBILE! It is what everyone is talking about, and for a good reason. Smartphones and tablets have changed the way that business can, and should be, connecting … Continue reading 50 Mobile Marketing Facts That Will Blow You Away
The Modern Marketer: Infographic
Want to be a marketer? Well, make sure you know what it truly means. To become a successful marketer it is no longer about developing a catchy ad campaign that you will shout from the roof tops. marketing has evolved into a combination of artistry and science. The modern marketer must have a strategic and … Continue reading The Modern Marketer: Infographic
How to Rock Social Media in 30 Minutes a Day Infographic
With a defined social media strategy in place, marketers can rock social media in 30 minutes a day. Sound too good to be true? It is actually possible if your daily use of social media is built upon a well-developed social media strategy. But, a strong social media strategy does not mean that your brand … Continue reading How to Rock Social Media in 30 Minutes a Day Infographic
Using Social Media as a Customer Service Tool: Infographic
Social media is not just an excellent tool to grow your brand identity and connect with customers, it is also one of the best tools for customer service. Followers of brands on social media expect a two-way and more from companies than ever before. Followers are not only looking for the newest coupon or information … Continue reading Using Social Media as a Customer Service Tool: Infographic
How to Use YouTube Annotations
In my first YouTube optimization article, 5 Steps for Optimizing YouTube Videos, I focused on: File name of your YouTube videos Search engine friendly video titles Keyword optimization and link building opportunities of video descriptions Best practices for adding tags and categories to videos Categorizing videos into playlists As promised, I want to discuss other … Continue reading How to Use YouTube Annotations
How Social Media Impacts SEO: Infographic
Search engine optimization has not been dependent on a minimal number of factors for a long time now, such as number of times a keyword appeared on a page, and it continues to become a more complex web of on and off-page factors every month. One of the more recent factors that has had an … Continue reading How Social Media Impacts SEO: Infographic
5 Steps for Optimizing YouTube Videos
Not sure if your business should have a YouTube channel? Did you know that YouTube is the 2nd most popular and used search engine, with more searches than both Bing and Yahoo? So yes, your business should most definitely have well branded presence on YouTube. YouTube can be one of your most powerful tools for reaching … Continue reading 5 Steps for Optimizing YouTube Videos
Social Media Touchdowns During Super Bowl Blackout
The biggest wins of the night were definitely by the brands that took advantage of the blackout during the second half. Oreo, Audi, Duracell, and Tide are all social media Super Bowl winners. With their tweets getting more retweets and mentions than all the TV advertisements. Check out their brilliant tweets below! By Brianna Smith
Super Bowl 2013 Ads: First Half Touchdowns and Fumbles
Twitter was going crazy during the Super Bowl this year, and it wasn't about the game. The trending hashtags were all about the advertisements. Adweek promoted the hashtag #adweekbowl, which attracted a great crowd of marketers and tweeters. The other big hashtag of the night was definitely #brandbowl. So what were the ad winners and … Continue reading Super Bowl 2013 Ads: First Half Touchdowns and Fumbles